Hand detailer comfyui


Hand detailer comfyui. Now with controlnet, hires fix and a switchable face detailer. Made a ConfyUI Workflow for consistant character making out of 4 picture, Pose, Face, Body and Background. The face restoration model could produce a style that is inconsistent with your Stable Diffusion 🪲 Bugs. The MediaPipe FaceMesh to SEGS node is a node that detects parts from images generated by the MediaPipe-FaceMesh Preprocessor and creates SEGS. UltralyticsDetectorProvider Jul 22, 2023 · After Detailer uses inpainting at a higher resolution and scales it back down to fix a face. 22 and 2. 0, which comes with 2 models and a 2-step process: the base model is used to generate noisy latents , which are processed with a refiner model specialized for the final denoising steps. Firstly, download an AnimateDiff model 13K subscribers in the comfyui community. Increase the factor to four times utilizing the capabilities of the 4x UltraSharp model. 5x as long as your workflow for 2 resamples, but you can also scale up and pass the latents directly and only do the latter 50% of steps to cut the time in half. Jan 13, 2024 · Introduction. Dec 28, 2023 · The Impact Pack supports image enhancement through inpainting using Detector, Detailer, and Bridge nodes, offering various workflow configuration methods through Wildcards, Regional Sampler, Logics, PIPE, and more. The resulting image will be then passed to the Face Detailer (if enabled) and/or to the Upscalers (if enabled). pt, person_ yolov8n-seg. TLDR, workflow: link. the first face detailer kind of primes the latent and a closer to the character image is the result. Not the greatest but works for me. ComfyUI breaks down a workflow into rearrangeable elements so you can easily make your own. How to Find My Unique Art Style Using comfyui. With ADetailer, you can add more details and refine the images with a bunch of extra tools that will allow you to fine-tune your images. Jan 16, 2024 · In this article, I will introduce you to Face Detailer, a collection of tools and techniques designed to fix faces and facial features. then a face detailer makes the image close to the character (but not really perfect), a following low denoise face detailer does the final step. 614. But people can be outright nasty, calling him cringe or "get out". Bitwise (SEGS & SEGS) - Performs a 'bitwise and' operation between two SEGS. detector SEGS 自动标记脸、手、人物。. Using the Face Detailer Node 7. If I disable either module then it runs fine. 1 | Stable Diffusion Workflows | Civitai. I created a workflow. Change the steps and or cfg (slower but better detail) and you are go. If you save own workflow with older developed nodes, try 'Fix node (recreate)' menu on right-click after git pull. ComfyUI - Hands are finally FIXED! This solution works with all models! (youtube. Learn how to create realistic face details in ComfyUI, a powerful tool for 3D modeling and animation. Welcome to the unofficial ComfyUI subreddit. 기존과 동일하므로 딱히 신경쓸 부분은 없고. I had a pretty good face upscaling routine going for 1. I used an iterative upscaler to get a nice pic, but the hands dont look so good. Download . pt, face_ yolov8n. But I really need the Video converter Dec 19, 2023 · In ComfyUI on the other hand, you can perform all of these steps in a single click. This is well suited for SDXL v1. I wanted a workflow clean, easy to understand and fast. I'm looking for something to give consistent good hands to static images. 5 refined model) and a switchable face detailer. 5 and embeddings and or loras for better hands. ComfyUI零基础入门教程系列:自定义节点的安装与使用,用ComfyUI Manager一键安装缺失工作流,ComfyUI 图生图+局部重绘+controlnet控制节点搭建详解 如何在comfyUI中进行图生图和inpainting操作 以及控制出图尺寸,【AI绘画进阶】面部修复插件Face Editor 再也不怕全身图脸崩 Dec 1, 2023 · Advanced Face Restoration with the Impact Pack 7. I have tried prompts like 'man with dog face', 'man with lion nose', etc but it generates images of a man with a dog or just a dog. Please keep posted images SFW. Face Detailer is a custom node for the "ComfyUI" framework inspired by !After Detailer extension from auto1111, it allows you to detect faces using Mediapipe and YOLOv8n to create masks for the detected faces. DetailerForEach is the fundamental node. It detects hands and improves what is already there. be/Tt-Fyn1RA6c ComfyUI-Workflow-Component provides functionality to simplify workflows by turning them into components, as well as an Image Refiner feature that allows improving images based on components. I Source image. VID2VID_Animatediff + HiRes Fix + Face Detailer + Hand Detailer + Upscaler Constant Character Maker. I upgraded the face IP Adapter by connecting it to a mask detector with different switches, in order to selectively isolate parts of the face: face only, hair only, both. Hand Detailer? Does someone have a good workflow for a hand detailer? I tried setting one up this week, but it seems the nodes used in the workflow are broken and it ended up non-functional, so I'm looking again. ) ADetailer, also called After Detailer is a web-UI extension that takes Stable Diffusion to the next level. To follow along, you’ll need to install ComfyUI and the ComfyUI Manager (optional but recommended), a node-based interface used to run Stable Diffusion models. Uses LCM (or not), uses detail and lowra lora's with on-off switches, creates in 3's, can swap faces and after that a bit of skin detail with a 1x upscaler and 2x upscale final. Nov 18, 2023 · 面部修复,我们需要用到 ComfyUI 中的一个插件 ComfyUI-Impact-Pack,首先是在管理器插件中输入插件名,然后安装,重启 ComfyUI,重启的时候会自动下载插件相关的模型。. ”. I want to generate avatar images of people having animal features, preferably using SD1. So just end it a bit early to give the gen time to add extra detail at the new resolution. 14K subscribers in the comfyui community. Guide_size、guide_size_for、max_size 都是控制重绘区域的 AP Workflow 5. Newbie here. Not sure if this is intended or not, but I'm working with a detailer workflow that does a pretty good job except it keeps doing funny stuff when the character is holding something. 555 (bbox) 0. " This video introduces a method to apply prompts differentl nomadoor. Curious if anyone knows the most modern, best ComfyUI solutions for these problems? Detailing/Refiner: Keeping same resolution but re-rendering it with a neural network to get a sharper, clearer image. AP Workflow 6. If you have another Stable Diffusion UI you might be able to reuse the dependencies. Some commonly used blocks are Loading a Checkpoint Model, entering a prompt, specifying a sampler, etc. It is made for animateDiff. It allows users to directly manipulate SEGS, making it more versatile for general purposes. You can repeat the upscale and fix process multiple times if you wish. Is there a way to configure it to focus solely on detailing the largest face in the scene? Hi, let me begin with that i already watched countless videos about correcting hands, most detailed are on SD 1. 0 for ComfyUI (Hand Detailer, Face Detailer, Free Lunch, Image Chooser, XY Plot, ControlNet/Control-LoRAs, Fine-tuned SDXL models, SDXL Base+Refiner, ReVision, Upscalers, Prompt Builder, Debug, etc. 404. A lot of people are just discovering this technology, and want to show off what they created. Oct 28, 2023 · It serves as a convenient tool to simplify a somewhat intricate workflow. Be the first to comment. in your workflow HandsRefiner works as a detailer for the properly generated hands, it is not a "fixer" for wrong anatomy - I say it because I have the same workflow myself (unless if you are trying to connect some depth controlnet to that detailer node) 17K All Detailer nodes, except for FaceDetailer and Detailer For AnimateDiff, do not allow image batch inputs. So I started a fresh Windows install of comfy and animatediff. FaceDetailer를 지원하는데 사용하려면. Please read the AnimateDiff repo README and Wiki for more information about how it works at its core. Like in this source image: The comfyui version of sd-webui-segment-anything. A 4060ti 16GB VRAM card on my laptop for $550US. One even suggested he was an orphan or something. 14. Notifications Help with settings for hands with detailer please #104. What this workflow does. Feb 24, 2024 · ComfyUI is a node-based interface to use Stable Diffusion which was created by comfyanonymous in 2023. Dec 25, 2023 · On the other hand, DetailerForEach is used in a structure where the detection and detailing stages are separated. 이후 왼쪽부터 시작하자면. Jan 11, 2024 · WORKFLOW - VID2VID_Animatediff + Ipadapter + HiRes Fix + Face Detailer + Hand Detailer + Upscaler + Mask Editor. * bbox 识别区域,模型有手和脸。. 460 (mask) person_yolov8s-seg. Still new to comfyui, and I'm just trying to figure out how to fix hands with an image that I made already. If the complex latest workflow not start or failed, please test out the basic or minimal instead. 5 and HiRes Fix, IPAdapter, Prompt Enricher via local LLMs (and OpenAI), and a new Object Swapper + Face Swapper, FreeU v2, XY Plot, ControlNet and ControlLoRAs, SDXL Base + Refiner, Hand Detailer, Face Detailer, Upscalers, ReVision, etc. Watched some more control net videos, but not directly for the hands correction as there are none (or i use search wrong) I try SD approach as on Add your thoughts and get the conversation going. If you continue to use the existing workflow, errors may occur during execution. You can use a model that gives better hands. For example, you can use ADetailer to fix any flaws or gaps in your images, such as missing faces or AP Workflow 6. Feb 22, 2024 · The SDXL workflow includes wildcards, base+refiner stages, Ultimate SD Upscaler (using a 1. Launch ComfyUI by running python main. A good way to think about Node editors is that they are simple Code Editors, just visual instead. Either new rules against nsfw and self promotion are set, or Welcome to the unofficial ComfyUI subreddit. Generated by bugmaister as part of the 404 Contest November 2023. , 0. Understanding the Impact Pack Nodes 7. We leverage the hand mesh reconstruction model that consistently adheres to the 5 days ago · ComfyUI is a node-based GUI for Stable Diffusion. To toggle the lock state of the workflow graph. Please share your tips, tricks, and workflows for using this. The Hand Detailer uses a dedicated ControlNet and Checkpoint Upscale your output and pass it through hand detailer in your sdxl workflow. Jan 1, 2024 · This includes face detection, hand detection, and person detection. Aug 31, 2023 · The ComfyUI-Impact-Pack adds many Custom Nodes to [ComfyUI] “to conveniently enhance images through Detector, Detailer, Upscaler, Pipe, and more. 761 (mask) 0. * SAM 精准识别手和脸的边缘。. json and add to ComfyUI/web folder. 5. 2. r/StableDiffusion. r/comfyui. 1. • 1 mo. pt model for this. However, lately, I've started feeling a bit disconnected with the works I produce, often wondering, "What exactly is this?" I used to enjoy simply launching comfyui and generating content, but now I'm Welcome to the unofficial ComfyUI subreddit. pt. In this guide, I will demonstrate the basics of AnimateDiff and the most common techniques to generate various types of animations. Skip to content Welcome to the unofficial ComfyUI subreddit. 使用detailer对mask区域进行重绘。. 4; Set the right path for image saving in the node 'Primere Image Meta Saver' on 'output_path' input. I'm trying to create an automatic hands fix/inpaint flow. Note that --force-fp16 will only work if you installed the latest pytorch nightly. The Hand Detailer uses a dedicated ControlNet and Checkpoint Jan 4, 2024 · In my Hand Detailer function, I used to use the DWPreprocessor Provider (SEGS) node with modest results. 810: 0. . I had this working a few weeks ago and I think an update broke it. These methods involve removing distortions, adjusting the position of the eyes and mouth, and even adding finer details. py --force-fp16. In my Hand Detailer function, I used to use the DWPreprocessor Provider (SEGS) node with modest results. The detection confidence threshold for Adetailer is a setting that determines the minimum confidence score needed for the detection model to identify and segment different objects and people in your images. We're excited to announce some significant updates that we believe will enhance your experience and make it more easier to run your ComfyUI workflows as an API on CheapComfyUI What's New: Documentation: We've introduced basic product documentation to make it easy for you to deploy your own ComfyUi Workflows. Bbox Detector and Second Detector 7. 2. If you're using ComfyUI you can right click on a Load Image node and select "Open in MaskEditor" to draw an inpanting mask. It is created by Dr. 0 for ComfyUI - Now with Face Swapper, Prompt Enricher (via OpenAI), Image2Image (single images and batches), FreeU v2, XY Plot, ControlNet and ControlLoRAs, SDXL Base + Refiner, Hand Detailer, Face Detailer, Upscalers, ReVision, etc. 2D / realistic hand: 0. pt models. 💡 Feature Requests VID2VID_Animatediff + HiRes Fix + Face Detailer + Hand Detailer + Upscaler + Mask Editor. Hand-FaceRefiner. Running Multiple Passes 8. I'm utilizing the Detailer (SEGS) from the ComfyUI-Impact-Pack and am encountering a challenge in crowded scenes. Experimenting with Settings 8. The page you are looking for doesn't exist. You'll often see detection models like hand_ yolov8n. I've been using comfyui to create various images and animations, and it's been a lot of fun. The Hand Detailer function identifies hands in the source image, and attempts to improve their anatomy through two consecutive passes, generating an image after each pass. They work even if your source image has been generated with an SDXL Hand Detailer. The Hand Detailer uses a dedicated ControlNet and Checkpoint Hand Detailer. I also 100% understand what you mean about custom nodes. ago. Dec 7, 2023 · adetailer after detailer comfyui a1111 extension automatic1111 + 2. It MAY occasionally fix alignment errors (rare). Belittling their efforts will get you banned. 782 (bbox) 0. Select one of the bbox/hand_*. Hand Detailer. Select one of the bbox/face_*. The Hand Detailer will identify hands in the image and attempt to improve their anatomy through two consecutive passes, generating an image after processing. 0 for ComfyUI - Now with support for SD 1. Aug 13, 2023 · This video demonstrates how to efficiently structure a FaceDetailer workflow using the newly added "Make Image List" feature in V3. 550: person_yolov8n-seg. upvotes. go to your Comfyui manager. Because SEGS is already representing multiple parts within a single image, turning images into batches can lead to confusion. The hands from the original image must be in good shape. Hi amazing ComfyUI community. This custom node enables you to generate new faces, replace faces, and perform other face manipulation tasks using Stable Diffusion AI. Most of workflow I could find was a spaghetti mess and burned my 8GB GPU. Face restoration uses another AI model, such as CodeFormer and GFGAN, to restore the face. Here's how the flow looks rn: Yeah, I stole adopted most of it from some example on inpainting a face. pt: 2D / realistic person: 0. I am curious both which nodes are the best for this, and which models. Now I'm trying to replace it with the new MeshGraphormer Depth Map Preprocessor Provider (SEGS) node and the sd15_inpaint_depth_hand_fp16 model: in some cases, malformed hands don't get recognized. 21, there is partial compatibility loss regarding the Detailer workflow. detector识别标记脸、手的mask。. I personally don't want that kind of environment in here. 5 in A1111, but now with SDXL in Comfy I'm struggling to get good results by simply sending an upscaled output to a new pair of base+refiner samplers I'm just now working with a production project for a theatre, and really would be happy to be able to make the faces better. In the locked state, you can pan and zoom the graph. Aug 16, 2023 · ltdrdata / ComfyUI-Impact-Pack Public. As pointed out in the HandRefiner paper, MeshGraphormer is designed to generate 3D meshes from “correctly shaped” hands, so it’s only natural that it can’t handle “melted hands” generated by AI. 9) are suitable for detecting more prominent Nov 4, 2023 · In Impact Pack V4. 3. And above all, BE NICE. The graph is locked by default. Unlike other Stable Diffusion tools that have basic text fields where you enter values and information for generating an image, a node-based interface is different in the sense that you’d have to create nodes to build a workflow to generate images. This is basically just inpainting, with the masks drawn for you. Wanted to share my approach to generate multiple hand fix options and then choose the best. I use nodes from Comfyui-Impact-Pack to automatically segment image, detect hands, create masks and inpaint. Jan 8, 2024 · 4. 👉 This Workflow uses the new Mesh Graphormer Hand Fixing Controlnet. example here. Use "Load" button on Menu. Images contains workflows for ComfyUI. 40. Face Detailer Upscaler Each section of the flow can be enabled/disabled, so that the implemented functions can be combined as desired. Therefore, we recommend handling this explicitly through List conversion. HandRefiner employs a conditional inpainting approach to rectify malformed hands while leaving other parts of the image untouched. it took a while to adjust the right setting in the face detailer, but im pretty happy with the outcome. 200. In this study, we introduce a lightweight post-processing solution called HandRefiner to correct malformed hands in generated images. Since the portion of the hand is too small, if Follow the ComfyUI manual installation instructions for Windows and Linux. Through ComfyUI-Impact-Subpack, you can utilize UltralyticsDetectorProvider to access various detection models. It will only make bad hands worse. Lower values (e. It looks like someone just pasted a revised clip on top of an original image. r/comfyui • AP Workflow 4. Once the image is set for enlargement, specific tweaks are made to refine the result; Adjust the image size to a width of 768 and a height of 1024 pixels, optimizing the aspect ratio, for a portrait view. Watch my Tutorial for this Workflow here: https://youtu. A big part of why it seems harder too is that it exposes the whole process of inference instead of tucking it away in code. Workflow - Consistant Character Maker - v1. 29, two nodes have been added: "HF Transformers Classifier" and "SEGS Classify. Enhancing Faces with Generated Passes; Tips for Effective Face Restoration 8. Bitwise (SEGS & MASK) - Performs a bitwise AND operation between SEGS and MASK. Jan 2, 2024 · comfyui impact pack 修复手脸流程detailer用法. NOTE: The image used as input for this node can be obtained through the MediaPipe-FaceMesh Preprocessor of the ControlNet Auxiliary Preprocessor. Extension: DZ-FaceDetailer Face Detailer is a custom node for the 'ComfyUI' framework inspired by !After Detailer extension from auto1111, it allows you to detect faces using Mediapipe and YOLOv8n to create masks for the detected faces. g. The tool attempts to detail every face, which significantly slows down the process and compromises the quality of the results. Personally, I like using the bbox/face_yolov8n_v2. In this case I have a book. Improved AnimateDiff integration for ComfyUI, as well as advanced sampling options dubbed Evolved Sampling usable outside of AnimateDiff. The conflict happens when installing "Reactor" with "ComfyUI-VideoHelperSuite" (part of animatediff that converts to video formats). Like in this source image: Aug 6, 2023 · This video demonstrates the most basic method of automating facial enhancement using FaceDetailer. 216 upvotes · 67 comments. You can upscale in SDXL and run the img through a img2img in automatic using sd 1. The refiner improves hands, it DOES NOT remake bad hands. Data, who also created the ComfyUI Manager! This pack has so many nodes! I only tested the nodes that are required to fix faces. Nobody's responded to this post yet. Hand detailer mask glitch - holding objects. Detailing the Upscaling Process in ComfyUI. Share and Run ComfyUI workflows in the cloud. Please share your tips, tricks, and workflows for using this software to create your AI art. pt: Jan 1, 2024 · This includes face detection, hand detection, and person detection. 설치 후에는 먼저 이미지를 생성하는 프로세스인데. - storyicon/comfyui_segment_anything Based on GroundingDino and SAM, use semantic strings to segment any element in an image. 这里有个问题哦,如果小伙伴们安装好 ComfyUI-Impact-Pack 节点以后,没有 检测加载器 这个节点 Hand Detailer. To show the workflow graph full screen. This is the first time I see Face Hand adetailer in Comfyui workflow. Install the ComfyUI dependencies. 5 and IP adapter FaceID. 다음 링크의 Impact Pack 을 설치 해줘야 하고. In order of use, and quoting from the Dec 19, 2023 · ComfyUI 에서는 WebUI의 Adetailer처럼. It works just like the regular VAE encoder but you need to connect it to the mask output from Load Image. Between versions 2. . How to generate human-animal hybrid faces - IP Adapter FaceID. Now I'm trying to replace it with the new MeshGraphormer Depth Map Preprocessor Provider (SEGS) node and the sd15_inpaint_depth_hand_fp16 model: I have two problems: in some cases, malformed hands don't get recognized. Lt. There's this guy that posts videos in here, and yeah, they can be suggestive or nsfw and he promotes himself. 1. I learned about MeshGraphormer from this youtube video of Scott Detweiler, but felt like simple inpainting does not do the trick for me, especially with SDXL. Bitwise (SEGS - SEGS) - Subtracts one SEGS from another. In the unlocked state, you can select, move and modify nodes. Notice that the Hand Detailer function uses dedicated models based on Stable Diffusion 1. You can construct an image generation workflow by chaining different blocks (called nodes) together. This takes about 1. To encode the image you need to use the "VAE Encode (for inpainting)" node which is under latent->inpaint. 5, as there is no SDXL control net support i was forced to try Comfyui, so i try it. But it is easy to modify it for SVD or even SDXL Turbo. Using inpainting (such as using ADetailer) is preferred because. 8. 2 Hand Detailer. Question about Detailer (from ComfyUI Impact pack) for inpainting hands. Watch the workflow tutorial and get inspired. Face Detailer proves particularly useful when generating images with small faces or when It does nearly pixel perfect reproduction if weight and ending step is at 1. There is a need to train MeshGraphormer with a dataset that includes images of melted hands. com) Jan 4, 2024 · Alessandroperilli. 4. 3) are advisable for detecting faces, while higher values (e. Upscaling: Increasing the resolution and sharpness at the same time. 1 Face Detailer. qj av nn px xk dx ed cr ss jm