Convert mono to object java without block

Convert mono to object java without block. i have two repositorys. @Document public class PlanDetails { @Id private String id; private String name; private Double balance; private Double internet; private Date date; --> //String of id's basically. Sep 28, 2017 · A slightly modified version of Bk Santiago's answer makes use of reduce() instead of collect(). bodyToMono(AccountOrder[]. getFields(version. class); Oct 29, 2020 · This chain can be compared with a sort of callback chain and is called the "assembly phase". the definition of subscribe(): Subscribe to this Mono and request unbounded demand. class); // Need to implement additional logic here to convert the Mono<Response> into Mono<RequestID> } public class Response { private Expose the specified Publisher with the Mono API, and ensure it will emit 0 or 1 item. ok(). retrieve(). just(1, 2, 3) . springframework. Jan 27, 2022 · Then after that you can extract, transform, using functions like, map, flatMap, zip, etc. just(student) . class) but this doesn't work in this case. fromStream (courseNameList. Already tried block() method , but it does asynchronous calls. Oct 31, 2021 · Using block() is actually the only way to get the object from a Mono when it is emitted. This is a mindset change. map(command -> "redirect:/recipe/" + command. Employee. Also, your Mono need to be consumed. error() (Reactor catches your exception and transforms it into a Mono. Aug 13, 2021 · My suggestion is to stay with bodyToMono(AccountInformation. But I would say the issue is in the . Apr 4, 2021 · The application is very trivial in nature, but shows the concept of reactive programming with the help of webflux and CompletableFuture. flatMap(Function. Perhaps you could separate that into another . The database layer is the one here which is converted to async nature. subscribe(); Without cache () method emailBody Mono calculates in each iteration step. Overview. Oct 5, 2021 · Reactive can be hard to learn indeed! It's hard to tell without having a bigger insight into the code. First I create email body. Jul 16, 2023 · no , There is some dfference between reactive and servlet web Container . You can't postpone the execution. Aug 5, 2019 · We have moved to springboot 2. Therefore, in case a User instance will not be found, the result stream will be empty. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . java. 1. A flux is a future, you need to block to wait in the list to exist. Sorted by: 1. In case the Mono errors, the original exception is thrown (wrapped in a RuntimeException if it was a checked exception). e. Create a Mono producing the value for the Mono using the given CompletableFuture. Converting a Flux to a List. Mono and Flux are both reactive streams. this one can do the trick: <dependency>. keeps it as-is as you Jun 17, 2022 · If repo. public class ServiceImpl{. Aug 11, 2022 · Using the Mono. filter(this::filterByName) . block; How to achieve this without blocking in spring reactive. Is it possible to do this without block so my method can return a Mono. May 14, 2021 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. public Mono<List<FruitDto>> findAllBySearchKeys(String id){. 1. The resulting body will Jul 29, 2020 · 2. @Service. Jun 22, 2022 · I have this Mono list: Mono<List<MasterPair>> list; Into MasterPair I have a Long id; How I can convert the list like this: Mono<List<Long>> list; Jul 21, 2019 · A list of mono is a flux and a flux can be used like this: @Test public void test() { Flux<Person> persons = Flux. flatmap(a -> makeRemoteCall(a)//converts the Mono of the response to a Flux). Otherwise you are breaking the chain. But you almost certainly shouldn't , as this blocks the thread, defeating the point of using reactor in the first place. single (); Flux#next will get you the first element. public Mono<String> sendFile(final MultipartFile multipartFile) { Mono<Response> response = webClient. repeatWhenEmpty. All repositories have a similar Dec 11, 2018 · Is there a way to convert RxJava Single to Mono? Spring webflux interact with Mono object. just(T data) method. block(); } @RequiredArgsConstructor @Getter static class Person { private final int id; } private Person doRequest(int id) { return new Person(id); } Jan 8, 2024 · In this article, we’ll find out how to convert a JSON Array into a Java Array of Object, Array of POJO, and a List of POJO using WebClient. flatMap(repo::findById) . Mono<Boolean> result = account. error(new UserNotFoundExeception())) As we can see, in this case repo::findById should have Mono of User as the return type. Aug 11, 2022 · We can use the blocking subscriber to pause the thread execution until we get the data from Mono. Example 1. blockLast() to block until the flux completes. Jan 8, 2024 · return monoList. collectMultimap (): convert sequence into a Mono<Map> that each Map’s key can be paired with multi-value (in a Collection ). Very similar, but doesn't require an extra class: Java: body. //expecting to convert Flux of Fruit to Mono of List of FruitDto and return to caller. collect(toList()); But instead of a List<Mono<Output>> I want to get Mono<List<Output>> that will contain aggregated results. stream ()). private List<String> members; public PlanDetails(){} public PlanDetails(String id, String name, Double balance, Double internet, Date date, List<String> members Aug 18, 2021 · If the return type of the caller method had only Mono, I could have easily mapped it as follows but since its Mono<List> I'm facing difficulty. just("Hello World"); mono. getName()) but this returns again a Mono but not a string. Generally, when you return a pojo as responseBody, spring requires the class to have getters for the fields. class); Feb 3, 2018 · If you cannot change the response, then change your code to accept Array like this. The empty sequence in Reactor is Mono<Void>. doOnNext(email -> sendEmail(email, emailBody. Then once the Mono is received, use Mono. If, on the contrary, you really want a Map<Integer, Mono<List<ReturnedObj>> because you want to process queries eagerly Oct 11, 2019 · the definition of block(): Subscribe to this Mono and block indefinitely until a next signal is received. Flux#single will work if there is one element from Flux. If you need more detailed information about Mono, you can check the official documentation. Sep 14, 2021 · In general, throw works just like Mono. getAttributes(). bodyToMono(Response. block() on the end to get back a List<T> var test = repo. collectMap (): convert sequence into a Mono<Map>. You can choose one of the operators provided depending on the case. // do something. map(it -> it. Flux<String> flux = Flux. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. releaseIfNotConsumed (), which releases the unprocessed response body, and basically makes the server return an empty body. getHost() )) . block() is not recommended, the other way to retrieve the values from incoming httpresponse is to create a POJO in the calling application having the required fields. They differ in what they express. Depending on the use of your Mono, you will have to do or not the same thing. The callback function will be invoked when the Mono emits the object. map(value -> value. @GetMapping ("/courses") public Flux<Course> gerProducts () { return Flux. subscribe() returns a reactor. This will transform the Flux into a valued Mono by taking the first emitted item, or an empty Mono if the Flux is empty itself. "code": 500, Jun 12, 2020 · 2. h. Feb 10, 2019 · 1. Starting with a flux rather than a list would be better, but if not possible then create the flux from a stream as below and then use flatMap instead of map. uri(new URI("someurl")) . The example above does not work because the exception is thrown during the assembly period before Mono is created. toBodiLessEntity() instead of . error(new Exception("Validation Failed"))); Please help me with a way to return a boolean successfully without blocking any Mono. The Optional part is important because you need to understand that using . I am trying to create a POST API using JAVA web-flux. May 31, 2020 · This needs more detail - there is categorically no way to convert a Flux to a Collection in a non-blocking fashion. My problem is that Mono. 1 from 1. getDeadlineTSByComplianceId(compliance. 4. For example, I have a simple Flux object as follows: 1. just("Khanh", "Quan"); Using the flatMap () method, we can convert the data emitted from the Flux object above from String to Integer and this result is emitted by another Mono object acting as a Publisher. 1) result. Mono<SomeClass> is basically a data item emitted (sequential) by a source at a given point of time. You can only block if you're using reactor within the servlet world, even then you can pass back the Mono/Flux and it'll be an async request. publisher. Feb 11, 2019 · So, I send a request using the WebClient and after retrieving the response using exchange() I need to extract the body to a Mono of Object_1. Using mentioned operators you will be able to react to the case when Stream has been completed without emitting any elements. Jun 1, 2021 · So if you want to return an empty Mono, keeping the rest of the code the same, that's the type you should use. You should, instead, call subscribe() and then provide a consumer. isAssignableFrom(errors. Blocking Way. A Mono is a stream of 0 to 1 element, whereas a Flux is a stream of 0 to N elements. I am new to Reactive programming. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. 3 and we are trying to make the rest calls from it asynchronous by using WebClient. reduce(new InputStream() { public int read() { return -1; } }, (s: InputStream, d: DataBuffer) -> new SequenceInputStream(s, d. block(), massSendingSubject)) . And this will output the same “one“, “two“, “three“, “four“, and then terminate. orElse as well. getPrice(); } And then in your Mono stream you can pass method reference and make it more readable. stream(). defer(() -> monoOfEmptyList()); Nov 21, 2019 · 1. ) Oct 14, 2020 · I have a method set up to handle these POST requests and I need to be able to extract the above JSON data from the request body WITHOUT BLOCKING. reduce() I am being unable to wrap my head around inside the flatmap . switchIfEmpty / . Oct 22, 2019 · From the Official Documentation of Mono#block() it is said that: Subscribe to this Mono and block indefinitely until a next signal is received. Can some Sep 20, 2018 · If it's set to false I have to set extra details to null before returning the employee object. E. response. Create a Mono producing the value for the Mono using the given supplier. take (1). Nov 2, 2020 · However, apparently . Your other option is to subscribe to it and pass in a Consumer that consumes the List. If you on the other hand subscribe to a stream of data, you should be using Flux. map(serverMapping -> exchange. Sorted by: 60. Use the exact code of your other service (which returns Mono) Apr 20, 2021 · Service class that calls my repository. RxJava also has a bolt on (in version 1. getId(); private <E> ListBodySpec<E> getListBodySpec(Flux<E> flux) { List<E> body = flux. zipWith(productPrice, this::isAccountBalanceGreater) Sep 9, 2021 · Setup, I have a piece of code that is run in a mono core environment, no possibility of high concurrency. identity()); flatMap first maps the element in the Mono to a Mono so you have a Mono<Mono<T>> using a Function (in your case a function that just returns the elements i. Oct 14, 2017 · How to iterate Flux and mix with Mono. Jun 3, 2018 · Since Webclient. In Java, if you have a Mono<Object> (Mono of a generic Object) and you want to extract the value wrapped in the Mono and convert it to a regular object, you can do so using the Mono’s inbuilt methods. As argument it takes list of objects and process them with function that returns Mono< ProcessedObject>. @Override. A Flux object represents a reactive sequence of 0. collectSortedList (): accumulate sequence and sort into a Mono<List>. map(this::doRequest); List<Person> personList = persons. block(this. findById(Integer. A static method just(T data) accepts a parameter of any type and returns a Mono. You will need to get better at Java streams, better with Optional and, of course, the Reactive API. But should you do that? When you mix things (reactive and blocking), things get out of control easily. return. Right now I am using a a block on the stream to achieve this. Sep 7, 2020 · I have a repository call which will give me Mono . getVersionId()); and convert method is. My Entity goes like this: @Table(&quot;users&quot;) public class User { @Id private Integer id; private String name; private int age; private double Jun 10, 2020 · How is a Boolean value extracted from a Mono<Boolean> type value? Is it possible to extract the value out from the Mono<Boolean> field? I tried working with subscribe() but could not get it to return a value to me evaluate. Alternatively, if you don't want to return an empty publisher, then you might consider using . put(GATEWAY_REQUEST_URL_ATTR, URI. class). Using the block () Method. Dec 31, 2018 · One solution I can think of is to make serial (or parallel) calls for the stream elements and reduce the responses to a single one and return. I need to make a http call to a server, that will take 10 seconds (always) to process the request and return the response. return acc. bodyToMono<ByteArray>() . 5. In this article, we will see the differences between Mono vs Flux in the Reactive Stream. I have already taken care of creating a GeneralType and was successful in converting a single Mono<List<SomeType>>, however, made no further progress. post() . map( a-> {return a;}) returns a Mono<List<T>>, you can simply add . Eg: flux. Now, since you are not returning a class you own, you can't add them. Feb 16, 2023 · 2 Answers. This print nothing: The following examples show how to use reactor. Hence, it’s more optimized compared with the flatMapMany operator. Jul 14, 2019 · I have also tried the following without success: serverMappingMono. Syntax. defer () method: public void whenEmptyList_thenMonoDeferExecuted() {. defaultIfEmpty(ByteArray(0)) Mar 20, 2021 · Mono. Jul 8, 2021 · Grab Attributes from two Mono Objects and set them as a property to a third object using Reactor Java Hot Network Questions If all persons of the Trinity have the same/a united will what does Jesus mean in John 6:38? Aug 5, 2019 · To answer the question directly in its simplest form - you use Mono. monoList is a collection of such Monos wherein the list contains multiple data items emitted by a downstream system & added to a collection (List in this case). 0. After getting userObject i need to convert id to UserId via Mapstruct Jul 4, 2023 · These operations will be performed asynchronously. out. – Jun 30, 2019 · 1. Aug 6, 2019 · 5. Jun 13, 2016 · Reactor has a Mono type representing a single valued or empty Flux. public Mono<Person> getParty(String partyId) {. class Employee { String name } I have Mono being returned on hitting a service, I need to extract the name from Mono as a string. Using the flatMap () method, we can convert the data emitted from the Flux object above from String to Integer and emit this result by another Mono object. etc but as long as you always return a Mono because remember, we dont have the value, we are basically just building a pipeline of what we want our application to do when we actually have the value. public static <T> Mono<T Sep 16, 2023 · Spring Webflux is a powerful framework provided by the Spring ecosystem that enables developers to build reactive, non-blocking web applications. partyRepository. getId() + "/show"); I'm not sure about the syntax but you should let the framework unwrap the result of the Mono. Dependencies. boot </groupId> <artifactId> spring-boot-starter-webflux Jul 31, 2020 · The goal is to combine them into a single Mono<List<GeneralType>> in order to incorporate that into a custom Response to return within a ResponseEntity. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar. Sample Usage. Mar 9, 2018 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Without the code, we don't know if it is or not. println(result); // Output: Hello World. } And that you change the mentioned method to: public Mono<User> findUserById(String user_id){. Processor processor = // get processor. subscribe() in your test, the app could exit immediately without waiting for the end of these two async sequences. Feb 22, 2022 · Create a new Mono that emits the specified item if non null otherwise only emits onComplete. Mar 28, 2022 · It is impossible to get a concrete list from a flux without block. Subscribe to this Mono and block indefinitely until a next signal is received or the Mono completes empty. I think you should try to return the modified Mono like this: return recipeService. withTransaction part. Assuming the call to the other service is done in the following method: public Mono<Whatever> callToAnotherService(User user){. map( a-> { return a; }). Feb 11, 2022 · Yes, it is possible. Your response is simply List<AccountOrder>. Or, am I "barking up the wrong tree"? Nov 12, 2018 · List<Input> inputs = // get inputs. Function needs to keep original order, meaning first element on returned list must be created from first element from argument list. just(T data) method; From Supplier interface; From Callable interface; From Future; Create a Mono with the Mono. findAllById(bol, status) Mar 24, 2020 · Even if you just . Converting Mono to Pojo without block. defaultIfEmpty / Mono. Returns that value, or null if the Mono completes empty. block(). The question is instead, why do you need the list? Mar 16, 2020 · Note that you can use a Mono to represent no-value asynchronous processes that only have the concept of completion (similar to a Runnable). Usually the approach is that the other method should take a Mono<String> jsonString. The method I have now looks something like this: public void requestBody(ServerRequest request) {. This object is then used to create Mono Aug 5, 2021 · 1 Answer. The techniques that allow checking whether Flux / Mono is empty. In the following code, I want to solve without using block(). Mono<String> bodyData = request. That should make all the pipeline "cold", meaning that someone consuming the flux will trigger the queries. DelayElements - It delays the publishing of each element by a defined duration. Create a class which represents the complex AccountInformation, but only with the information you need (dont include fields of object you dont need). map(supplier::supply). According to the Flux documentation, the collectList method will return a Mono<List<T>>. Mono<String> deadlineMono = portCallServiceCaller. - but it's difficult / impossible to tell which approach Sep 24, 2021 · 1 Answer. Build a Mono that will only emit the result of the future and then complete. flatMapIterable(list -> list) . insert(user); User user= monoUser. exchangeToMono () calls . From my experience with reactor you can't transform your Mono to Stream without blocking call, it can be done as follow: Stream<T> stream = yourMono<T>. Following is the code I have done. getBalance() >= prd. Sorted by: 4. You should use the doOnSuccess instead. Returns an Optional, which can be used to replace the empty case with an Exception via Optional#orElseThrow(Supplier). getVersion(); Mono<List<StandardField>> fieldList = fieldRepository. Operators Jan 18, 2018 · Selecting a subset of a Flux. Let’s go through one sample that is using the conditional Mono. . log(); You can convert this array to List and then return. findAll(). Share. Feb 18, 2023 · Ways to convert Flux into Collection. zip() is the way to go, but you can save a step by using the override that allows you to specify both your zipped publishers and your map function in one go: Sep 25, 2020 · 1. Other solution can be to add a library to your project that will convert the pojo into a json. Mono #map () . May 6, 2023 · deferContextual can be used for the current context-based evaluation of publisher. Mar 10, 2022 · FlatMapMany - This is a Mono operator which is used to transform a Mono object into a Flux object. just(userId) . One of the key concepts in Spring Webflux is the use of Mono objects, which represent a container for exactly one element. collectList(). bodyToMono() - this will return a Mono<ResponseEntity<Void>>. However, you should avoid it at all costs because it defeats the purpose of using the reactive stack given that it actually blocks the thread waiting for the object to be emitted from the Mono . 2. getClass())) { return ((Mono<?>) errors). Mono vs Flux in Reactive Stream. map(user -> user. You need to use the operators on the Mono/Flux and not block the reactive chain. subscribe(), within subscribe add a lambda function, with input say x, to retrieve the individual fields using the x Nov 8, 2017 · By definition. Mar 30, 2023 · I have the following webclient call. If it is completely impossible to do that (for example, you're using a database that doesn't have a reactive driver), then you'll need to call block () to "exit" the reactive context and retrieve your value. I have POJO class. if (Mono. fromMultipartData(multiValueMap)) . If the String isn't available yet (which Mono<String> allows), you can't get it except by waiting until it comes in and that's exactly what blocking is. class) and then map into your simple object using Monos map and zip. Instead of "getting a String " you subscribe to the Mono and the Subscriber you pass will get the String when it becomes available (maybe immediately). N items, whereas a Mono object represents a single value or an empty (0. I have a use case when I should send email to the users. Mono<Version> version = versionRepository. Jul 9, 2018 · Check for -->. We can use the block () method that subscribes to a Mono and block indefinitely until the next signal is received. // your logic here, I am assuming this is a WebClient call also. Mono. parallelStream()). Most times, you expect exactly one result or no (zero) result, and not a Jan 13, 2020 · In your case it may look like: public boolean isAccountBalanceGreater(Account acc, Product prd) {. Jun 15, 2020 · There are several methods to go from Mono to Flux which you will learn with experience. log(); } Copy. just("Hello"). 5. cast(Object. flatMap (courseName -> { // Make webClient call which returns mono }); } May 6, 2021 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. To use WebClient, we’ll need to add a couple of dependencies to our pom. it is stored in a new string variable. saveRecipeCommand(command). Disposable, and I want to somehow get to a Mono<ServerResponse>. The newly created Mono object will hold the value we passed as the method parameter. Try to have callback methods that uses this "val" you are trying to retrieve and pass it to them without breaking the method chain. Sep 10, 2018 · I need to implement function that returns Mono< Array< ProcessedObject>>. But WebClient returns only data in Mono or Flux. block(); test will now just be a List. Here’s an example: Mono<String> mono = Mono. You can use flatMap: Mono<Mono<Something>> input;//TODO set to something. var firstAction = Mono. return fruitRepo. While working with Flux, you can select a subset of the Flux. 5 Answers. x) called Single, and also Completable for an empty sequence. Jan 25, 2024 · 1. errror. Dec 30, 2020 · 1. List<Mono<Output>> outputs = inputs. How can I get the data as String. RxJava v1 to v2. body(BodyInserters. Oct 23, 2020 · I am learning Spring WebFlux. Mono<List<String>> emptyList = Mono. Concat - It is used to combine the elements emitted by a Publisher by keeping the sequence of the publishers intact. The class provides 7 methods to select the subset that best fits your needs. asInputStream()) ). . subscribe(result -> { System. If the Callable resolves to null, the resulting Mono completes empty. getId()); (assuming, of course, that your user has a getId () method, and the id is an integer. Both work because a Flux can be one or many Mono. fromCallable() Create a Mono producing its value using the provided Callable. flatMap(value -> {. map(). Feb 3, 2017 · Instead of take (1), you could use next (). The queries are performed inside CompletableFuture, and the results are processed there as well. collectList (): accumulate sequence into a Mono<List>. Can the two reactive statements be combined to form one statement? Any direction you can offer is appreciated. Sep 27, 2023 · One way to handle obtaining an object from a Mono without blocking is by using the subscribe () method with a callback function. Which ends up as a Mono<Response> on which the framework will subscribe to. can someone help me understand why the block didn't work and the subscribe worked? what am I missing here? Oct 31, 2021 · Use Mono's content within a reactive pipeline. Summary. subscribe(); As a test, when I modify the code as below to troubleshoot, the following does emit a hardcoded string and the exchange attribute is Jul 25, 2018 · The Mono will not emit data, so doOnNext will not be triggered. 3. We used to process the string received using Resttemplate as given below. private User getUserData (User user) Mono<User> monoUser=userRepository. Oct 31, 2021 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. But you can cancel them (which is better than nothing) Mono is async/non-blocking and can easily execute any call on different Thread by composing the main Mono with different operators. core. I don't want to do monoUser. I tried reduce, but the final result looks very clumsy: Dec 3, 2019 · I am new to reactor programming,and need some help on MONO/Flux. parseInt(partyId)). In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the intricacies of converting Feb 1, 2023 · The method which calls filterByName is used in another reactive method: return Mono. Here, flatMapIterable takes the Mono ‘s List and converts it internally into a Flux of its elements. CompletableFuture is async and can be non-blocking. flatMap(inputStream -> /* do something with single InputStream */ Jan 5, 2021 · 2 Answers. bodyToMono(String. Any time you feel the need to transform or map what's in your Mono to something else, then you use the map () method, passing a lambda that will do the transformation like so: Mono<Integer> userId = savedUserMono. There's ways around the issue - you could switch the flux to use a separate thread where blocking is allowed, you could call your graphql library in a subscriber chain, etc. In this quick tutorial, we’ll demonstrate both a blocking and non-blocking way to extract T from the Mono : block and subscribe. Dec 12, 2021 · 1. In general, Mono completes successfully by emitting an element at some point in time. So I had to refactor my code further: . Sep 20, 2022 · Depending on your need, you might want to reverse the logic, to return a Flux<Tuple2<Integer, List<ReturnedObj>>. map means you still have an Optional result so you should include a . and the simple, simple super simple explanation is that a Flux is multiple Mono you are doing a single rest call and getting one response from their api so you should be using Mono. In this case, you can use map operator to transform the String into BOLCompliance: Mono<BOLCompliance> fetchBOLCompliance() {. first, as previously, restTemplate is used for blocking http request (the last fegin is supported reactive ,you can have a try, ), webclient is used for reactive request , it is two different way do a request , both usage and design idea is greatly different. timeout); Mono. exchangeToMono { response ->. fluxObj. The function needs to return Mono>. create("https://" + serverMapping. block() Another way just process it in reactive approach (note, anyway someone have to subscribe to your publisher, it can't be done by itself): yourMono<T You can convert a String to std::string or std::wstring, without using PtrToStringChars in Vcclr. retrieve() . flatMap(//mapper to convert PartyDTO to Person goes here); i tried to use a flatmap with my custom mapper as shown above, but its not working. map(User::getEmail) . Some example here: I added subscribe() to consume the mono. Mono<Something> flattened = input. switchIfEmpty(Mono. So like in your first example, you need to block. Normally you would use bodyToMono(SomeObject. g. xml: <dependency> <groupId> org. With Flux, you can use . To create one, you can use an empty Mono<Void>. Mono has a very similar API to Flux but more focused because not all operators make sense for single-valued sequences. During this assembly phase it is important that each Flux/Mono's returns are chained onto each other. In this API I want to create a list of string and make a database call to get Mono<List> as a response but when I am trying to convert Mono<List> to simple list object using block () I'm getting below response: {. Jul 31, 2020 · Jul 31, 2020 at 1:13. CompletableFuture is eager. class. block to get User object. It will return immediately, but it's not the resulting list itself, but a lazy structure, the Mono, that promises the result will eventually be there when the sequence is completed. My model looks something like this. }); Aug 29, 2023 · Converting Mono<Object> to Object in Java. In our Intro to Project Reactor, we learned about Mono<T>, which is a publisher of an instance of type T. Jul 22, 2019 · The desired end state is to return a ServerResponse object, wrapping the Flux<DemoPOJO>, which reflects whether the returned Flux is empty or "hasElements". The makeRemoteCall method returns a Mono. Mono<Employee> m = m. This way of extracting data is discouraged since we should always use the Reactive Streams in an async and non-blocking way. Using operators . mc sy jj jk dz jg rf pj vr xv